12 Steps to Whiter Teeth

These teeth whitening instructions are to be used in conjunction with our Bondi Smile Whitening Gel, Mouth Tray and LED Whitening light.  Available both in our Teeth Whitening Starter Kit and Ultimate Teeth Whitening Kit.

Teeth Whitening Tips

  1. Gently brush your teeth prior to teeth whitening. Our whitening gel works best on clean, dry teeth.
  2. Rinse your tray before use, and ensure you dry thoroughly. Moisture reduces the efficiency of the gel and slows down the whitening process.
  3. Attach the mouth tray to the LED light, and apply ¼ of the gel on the inner front surface of the tray. We just want you to apply the whitening gel to the frontal surface of your teeth, not the gums.  Realistically, just focus on your front 6-8 teeth, after all, who sees your back teeth anyway?
  4. Insert the whitening tray into your mouth. It’s surprisingly comfy.  If you can feel gel on your gums, just remove the whitening tray from your mouth, and wipe away. 
  5. Reinsert tray into your mouth and press the start button. Find something to do for the next 10 minutes while keeping your whitening tray still in your mouth.  Netflix, Youtube, Itunes are all good options here.
  6. The light will turn off automatically after 10 minutes, combined with an audible prompt.
  7. If everything feels good, you can return to Netflix/Youtube/Itunes, and repeat this step up to 4 times (40 minutes max).
  8. Once you’ve completed your whitening cycle, take out the teeth whitening tray, remove from the LED light, and wash any residual gel.
  9. Give your mouth a rinse with warm water, and gently brush your teeth. We recommend using a desensitizing toothpaste.
  10. For best results, repeat this whitening process for 5 consecutive days.
  11. You may whiten your teeth for up to 7 consecutive days. And continue less frequently once-twice a fortnight to maintain your results.
  12. Oh, and try to avoid red wine, coffee, tea, smoking, fizzy dark drinks, and curry over the whitening period, and for 2 weeks afterward to help you maintain the best results.


Whitening treatment of over 2 times per day is not recommended.